Andrew Vincent, PsyD

Mental Health and Sport Psychology Services

Psychology for Life and Sport

Welcome to my practice! Whether you are seeking growth and support through therapy or are interested in improving your experience in athletics through sport psychology, please explore this site to learn more about the services I offer. If you think you would be interested in working with me or if you have any questions, please get in touch!

Counseling and Mental Health

Sport and Performance Psychology

Hi, I’m Andrew Vincent

I'm a Licensed Psychologist in Delmar NY

I have expertise in psychotherapy and sport psychology. Whether I am working with people seeking growth through therapy, or with athletes looking for more out of their sport, my favorite part of my job is seeing the transformation that takes place as people start to connect with themselves and trust their best qualities.

In Sport

Athletes who understand their best qualities truly know what it means to play their game. Confidence, focus, and joy increase because their approach to their sport reflects the qualities that make them who they are. Their experience becomes more fulfilling because they aren’t just striving to perform, they are striving to be themselves through sport.

In Life

People who are connected with themselves can take a more active role in shaping their lives. They are able to challenge what they’ve been told about how they are “supposed” to be and free themselves from the patterns that sometimes cause them to get in their own way. They become better at meeting their needs, at cultivating positive relationships, and learning how to build a life that reflects their values and recognizes their best qualities.

I started my practice to help people learn how to connect with their best qualities and trust themselves so that they can start to have the experiences that they want. In life or in sport.

Get in Touch!

I love talking about what I do, so if you think you might be interested in working with me or you have any questions about the mental health or sport psychology parts of my practice it would be great hear from you!